• Pamuji Lasiyanto Putro LAN
  • Toofik Dwi Nugroho


The phenomenon of thrifting or buying imported second-hand clothes is currently widespread in society. One of the second-hand clothes that is much sought after is second-hand clothes from well-known brands and often second-hand clothes made from imported products. Thrifting is considered to be able to damage the MSME market because the domestic textile and textile product (TPT) industry is still dependent on the local market, apart from that thrifting can also affect consumer health problems. The government issued a policy prohibiting the import of used clothing through Minister of Trade Regulation no. 51/M-DAG/PER/7/2015 concerning Prohibition of Imports of Used Clothing and Minister of Trade Regulation no. 18 of 2021 concerning Export Prohibited Goods and Import Prohibited Goods. In Article 2 paragraph 3 (d) Minister of Trade Regulation no. 18 of 2021 states that one of the items prohibited from import is used bags, used sacks and used clothes. This raises pros and cons among the community. By using qualitative methods through literature studies and media observations, this paper wants to look further into the impact of the policies that have been taken by the government. One of the parties who did not agree came from business actors because they were worried about losing the business that had been the basis of their lives. In the future, the government needs to take strategic steps to overcome this, including by promoting and marketing MSME products, providing training for MSME players in collaboration with stakeholders in various fields, and product education in the form of introducing domestic products to consumers


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How to Cite
Putro, P., & Nugroho, T. (2023). PRO DAN KONTRA LARANGAN THRIFTING. Jurnal Analis Kebijakan, 7(2), 196-213.