Strategi Peningkatan Pelayanan Kesehatan Balita dalam Mendukung Percepatan Kesehatan Global

  • Sulistianingsih - Sulistianingsih Puslatbang PKASN LAN
Keywords: health services, toddlers, Covid-19, Posyandu


Infants under five years old (toddlers) are one of the age groups affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, although the number of people who died is not as many as the age group above 60 years. This is because since the pandemic the health services provided to toddlers have been hampered. Integrated service posts (Posyandu) as providers of health services for toddlers do not open services during the pandemic. In addition, when the Posyandu opened its services, not a few parents/caregivers were not willing to bring their toddlers to the Posyandu. The role of Posyandu is very important to provide basic health services, so that the growth and development of toddlers can be monitored properly. In order to re-optimize the role of Posyandu, it is necessary to take concrete steps that can be taken by the relevant Ministries/Institutions/Local Governments, so that health services can be received well by toddlers, so that they can further support the acceleration of global health.


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How to Cite
Sulistianingsih, S. (2022). Strategi Peningkatan Pelayanan Kesehatan Balita dalam Mendukung Percepatan Kesehatan Global. Jurnal Analis Kebijakan, 6(1), 96-103.